Finding five thing in five thing

13:10 - 2022/09/06

God sent a revelation to Prophet Dawood (P.B.U.H): i placed five thin in five things but people do not follow it.

Finding five thing in five thing

Finding five things in five thing

Finding and  searching

 God sent a revelation to Prophet Dawood (P.B.U.H): I placed five things in five things, but people look for it in five other things and do not find it.

1- I put knowledge in hunger and effort, and people looking for it in satiety and comfort and do not acquire it.

2- I placed honor in obeying myself, and people seek it in the service of the king and do not get it.

3- I placed independence and Self-sufficiency in contentment and people follow it in the abundance of wealth and do not achieve it.

4- I placed my satisfaction in disobedience of the desires of the soul, and people seek it in self-gratification and do not achieve it.

5- I placed comfort and peace in heaven, and people seek it in the world and do not find it.[1]




[1] - Bihar al-Anwar, Allameh Majlisi, vol. 75, p. 453. أوحى الله تعالى إلى داود  يا داود إني وضعت خمسة في خمسة ، والناس يطلبونها في خمسة غيرها فلا يجدونها : وضعت العلم في الجوع والجهد وهم يطلبونه في الشبع والراحة فلا يجدونه ، وضعت العز في طاعتي وهم يطلبونه في خدمة السلطان فلا يجدونه ، ووضعت الغنى في القناعة وهم يطلبونه في كثرة المال فلا يجدونه ، ووضعت رضاي في سخط النفس وهم يطلبونه في رضا النفس فلا يجدونه ، ووضعت الراحة في الجنة وهم يطلبونها في الدنيا فلا يجدونها

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