Islamic Ethics

Do you like to eat the flesh of your dead brother's body?

Do you like to eat the flesh of your dead brother's body? 11:44 - 2022/12/10

Do you like to eat the flesh of your dead brother's body?

The reward of tolerance toward a spouse

The reward of tolerance toward a spouse
11:03 - 2022/09/19

The value and reward of patience with such a woman are better than punishing her with a curse

Missing opportunities

Missing opportunities
12:15 - 2022/09/13

When death comes to one of them, he says, ‘My Lord! Take me back, that I may act righteously in what I have left behind.’ ‘By no means! These are mere words that he says.’ And before them is a barrier until the day they will be resurrected.

Water pumping

10:36 - 2022/09/12

Man in the world is like a ship on water; If the ship of his existence is empty of the water of the material sea, the sea is at his disposal, but if he spills water in the ship of his existence, he has to empty that water by pumping.


11:48 - 2022/09/11

A person said to the Messenger of God (PBUH) that I want God to cover my faults. The Prophet said: "Cover the faults of your brothers so that God will cover your faults."

Spare parts

Spare parts
10:15 - 2022/09/11

No matter how much a person worships and acts righteously, he/she must rely on God's grace, otherwise, this worship causes pride and diseases like those that destroy a person and distance him from the closeness of God.

Anger Suppression

Anger Suppression
08:59 - 2022/09/11

Anger Suppression

Enemy's missiles

Enemy's missiles
12:35 - 2022/09/07

We have to worry about our daughters and sons. they are not immune from error and sin. Some people say that we are sure of our son and daughter. Are they higher than prophet Yusuf?

The Right of people is a big Obstacle to Answering Prayers

The Right of people is a big Obstacle to Answering Prayers 08:50 - 2022/09/07

The Right of people is a big Obstacle to Answering Prayers

Finding five thing in five thing

Finding five thing in five thing
13:10 - 2022/09/06

God sent a revelation to Prophet Dawood (P.B.U.H): i placed five thin in five things but people do not follow it.

Mother or servant?!

Mother or servant?!
13:16 - 2022/09/04

Using the word of a mother instead of a servant

Mother or servant?!

Arrogance for what?!

Arrogance for what?!
10:20 - 2022/09/03

Do not turn your cheek away disdainfully from the people, and do not walk exultantly on the earth. Indeed, Allah does not like any swaggering braggart.
