Empty graves

09:33 - 2022/09/10

O friend! We do not have snakes and scorpions. you people would bring such creatures with you. These are your actions and you can never escape them.

Everyone is responsible for his actions as Holy Quran says.

Empty graves

Empty graves

Empty graves: Allamah Tabatabai (may Allah be pleased with him) says: When we were young in Najaf Ashraf, there was a person called "Sheikh Abboud". He was an insightful man. He often visited Wadi al-Salam cemetery.

One day, A number of young Sikhs surrounded him and said: What's the matter? As if they were waiting for strange news.

The man said:

I saw some graves that are empty. I asked about a grave: They say there are snakes, scorpions, and something like that in the grave, but now there is nothing.

Suddenly, I heard the grave say: O friend! We do not have snakes and scorpions. you people would bring such creatures with you. These are your actions and you can never escape them.

Everyone is responsible for his actions as Holy Quran says.[1]

Empty graves


[1] - Surah Toor. 21… كُلُّ امْرِئٍ بِمَا كَسَبَ رَهِينٌ

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