Lights of the way

12:23 - 2022/08/28

there is another darkness that many people are unaware of and have not lit a light for that dark house:

"The darkness of the grave" means the last place that man will own and live in.

Lights of the way

The lights of this world

Lights of the way

One of the things that man is afraid of or does not like is "darkness" and maybe that is why he thought of inventing electricity. Apparently, with the invention of electricity and the production of electric lights, human life became longer and he got more opportunities to live.

Other, "nights" were also considered part of his life! Because he could use the night hours as well. He was no longer afraid of the dark because he built his dark house with a lighted lamp.

But there is another darkness that many people are unaware of and have not lit a light for that dark house:

"The darkness of the grave" means the last place that man will own and live in.


And of course, a house that the lights of this world do not have the power to illuminate! Because its darkness is spiritual. A house whose light is "night prayer" and "righteous" deeds.

So, by maintaining "night prayer" and doing righteous deeds, let's prepare and light the lamp of our grave in advance.

 You strive for this world, while you will be given sustenance without effort, and you do not strive for the Hereafter, while you will not have sustenance without deeds. Woe to you, what bad scholars you are. You receive the reward [for your knowledge] and you do not fulfill the duty. How close it is that the one who put the duty [on you] will ask you to do it, and you are not much far from the darkness of the grave.[1]



[1] - Amali Sheikh Tusi. translated by Hassanzadeh; Volume 1, page 451

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