Why is Hazrat Zahra (AS) Named Fatimah?

08:30 - 2022/12/27


Why is Hazrat Zahra (AS) Named Fatimah?

Why is Hazrat Zahra (AS) Named Fatimah?

Answer: It is understood from some hadiths that the name of Fatima was chosen by God for her. In this context, the Prophet (PBUH) addressed Hazrat Zahra (PBUH) and said: "O Fatimah, God has derived a name for you from His Names, and he is "Fatir" and you are "Fatimah".[1]

The name Fatimah (S.A) comes from the root "Fatm" which means to tear off and separate. According to some traditions, Hazrat Zahra (AS) was called Fatima because she was separated from all evil and ugliness and was always pure and pure and was never contaminated by sin or sin.

Yunus bin Zabian narrates that Imam Sadiq (A.S) asked me: Do you know what the interpretation of Fatima is? I said: My lord! Interpret it yourself.

He said: Fatimah (S.A) was separated from all evil and ugliness (Fatmat min al-ashr) and if Mouli Ali (A.S) had not married her, since the beginning of creation, there would have been no equal and competent person to marry her. .[2]

Another reason mentioned in some hadiths for naming Hazrat Zahra (AS) after Fatima is that God will keep the true lovers of Hazrat Zahra (AS) away from the fire of hell and will save them from hell.

The Prophet (PBUH) said: My daughter was named "Fatima" because God kept her lovers away from the fire of hell.[3]


The above hadiths show the extraordinary greatness of Hazrat Zahra (AS) and her high status. The above hadiths are used that, firstly, the greatness of Hazrat Zahra (AS) is such that God himself chose her name and called her Fatima.

Secondly, Hazrat Zahra (A.S) is pure and innocent and there is no contamination in her, and if Imam Ali (AS) had not been created, there would have been no one who was worthy of marrying Hazrat Zahra (A.S), and this indicates a very great status, That noble lady is with God.

Thirdly, Hazrat Zahra (S.A) has such a high position and dignity with God that anyone who loves her and follows her will be saved from the fire of hell with her blessing and will reach true happiness in the hereafter.


Why is Hazrat Zahra (AS) Named Fatimah?

I offer my condolences to all the lovers of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) on the martyrdom of the great lady of Islam and the daughter of the noble Prophet of Islam (PBUH) Fatima Zahra (PBUH).



[1] Bihar, vol. 43, p. 15

[2] Bihar, vol. 43, p. 10

[3] Bihar, vol. 43, p. 15

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