Birth of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH)

13:48 - 2022/10/20

After the birth of Hazrat Fatimah (PBUH), the Prophet offered prayers of thanksgiving, sacrificed, and invited all the people of the city to a party to share his happiness. But the enemies of the Prophet mocked him and said that you do not have a son and your generation will not continue.


Birth of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH)

birth of Fatima :

in the past because of a lot of war and work; like livestock husbandry and agriculture, most people wanted their child to be a boy to help them in their work. Therefore, when their child was a girl, they weren't happy and they believed that their generation will not continue by having a girl.

After Unity week in the words of the Supreme Leader(Ayatollah-Khamenei), the Prophet offered prayers of thanksgiving, sacrificed, and invited all the people of the city to a party to share his happiness. But the enemies of the Prophet mocked him and said that you do not have a son and your generation will not continue.

It was at this time that God revealed Surah Kauthar and gave the good news to the Prophet that the birth of his daughter would bring many good deeds.

In this regard Qoran says:

Indeed We have given you an abundance.[1]

In this way, all the imams were from the generation of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH) and they kept the way and customs of the pure generation of the Prophet alive for many years.



[1] - إِنَّا أَعْطَيْنَاكَ الْكَوْثَرَ. Surah kouthar.1

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