Young Person and Refraining From Seeking Knowledge

23:58 - 2015/08/11

قال الإمام الصّادق عليه السّلام: لستُ أُحب أن أرى الشاب منكم إلاّ غاديا في حالين: إمّا عالـما أو متعلما. فإن لـم يفعل فرّط، فإنّ فرّط ضيّع, فإنّ ضيّع أثـم، وإنْ أثـم سكن النار والّذي بعث محمّدا بالحق.

  Imam Jaʿfar ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said: “I do not like to see the youth from amongst yourselves except that he/she is passing the life in one of two states: either as a scholar or as a student.  So then if he is not in one of these two states then he is one who has wasted (something) and surely the one who wastes is one who has squandered something and surely the act of squandering is a sin and the person who commits a sin shall reside in the Hell Fire – I swear by the one who appointed Muhammad with The Truth.”

Selection of Ahadith: The Young Person and Refraining From Seeking Knowledge

1) قال الإمام الكاظم عليه السّلام: لو وجدت شابّاً من شبّان الشيعة لا يتفقه لضربته ضربة بالسيف.

1. Imam Musa ibn Jaʿfar al-Kadhim (a.s.) has said: “If I was to find a youth from amongst the youth of the Shiʾa not gaining a deep knowledge and understanding, I would surely strike him with a sword.”1

2) قال الإمام الباقر عليه السّلام: لو أُتيت بشاب من شباب الشيعة لا يتفقه (في الدين) لأدبته.

2. Imam Muhammad ibn ʿAli al-Baqir (a.s.) has said: “If I were to find a youth from amongst the youth of the Shiʾa that was not engaged in gaining a deep knowledge and understanding [of the religion] I would seriously reprimand him.”2

3) قال الإمام الصّادق عليه السّلام: لستُ أُحب أن أرى الشاب منكم إلاّ غاديا في حالين: إمّا عالـما أو متعلما. فإن لـم يفعل فرّط، فإنّ فرّط ضيّع, فإنّ ضيّع أثـم، وإنْ أثـم سكن النار والّذي بعث محمّدا بالحق.

3. Imam Jaʿfar ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said: “I do not like to see the youth from amongst yourselves except that he/she is passing the life in one of two states: either as a scholar or as a student.  So then if he is not in one of these two states then he is one who has wasted (something) and surely the one who wastes is one who has squandered something and surely the act of squandering is a sin and the person who commits a sin shall reside in the Hell Fire – I swear by the one who appointed Muhammad with The Truth.”3


1. Fiqhul Ridha, Page 337

2. Al-Mahasin, Volume 1, Pages 357 and 760

3. Amali of Al-Tusi, Pages 303 and 604


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