Rights and privileges of girls and women in Islam (Part Two)

13:07 - 2023/10/10

- Islam does not distinguish between men and women in terms of values and humanity, such as dignity, sanctity, etc., a series of differences are related to the nature and  the social role of women, which is different from men. Furthermore, it has given special Rights for girls and women. In this article we briefly list the right and privileges that Islam specifically grants to girls and women.

Right and privileges of girls and women in Islam


click to Part One

Wages for working at home in Islam:

In the Islam, jurisprudents believe that a woman can be paid for the work she does in her husband's house, and this is actually a legal respect for the work of a woman for the family.

Nursing and breastfeeding wages:

Islamic jurisprudents believe that a woman can demand a salary from her husband for breastfeeding and taking care of the children, and her husband is also obliged to pay it. As it is mentioned in Quran: “ if she nurses your child, pay for her”.[1]

 Priority in childcare:

After the divorce, the children are under the custody of the mother until they are seven years old (boys 2 years). Then they are under the care and supervision of their father until reach the stage of maturity which will have the right to live with whomever they like.[2]

Husband's obligation to have children:

If a woman wants a child, the husband cannot oppose and must accept his wife's request.[3]

Islam has removed a series of duties that are incompatible or difficult with the nature and spirit of women, such as:

 Not participating in war:

The duty of participating in war has been removed from the shoulders of women. Imam Ali (a.s) said: Jihad is not obligatory on a woman, if she wants to participate in rewards of Jihad, she must have good behavior with her husband.[4]

Not to perform duties outside the home or the public service:

The Prophet said to Ali: ‘O Ali! Friday and congregational prayers are not obligatory for women”.[5]

The Prophet assigned Fatimah to do the work inside the house and Ali to do the work outside the house. Fatimah (s.a) said: “God knows how happy I was that the Messenger of God removed men's affairs from me”.[6]


Contrary to the bad propaganda that Westerners make against Islam, Islam has the best and most valuable view on the value and status of women. Islam does not distinguish between men and women in terms of values and humanity. Simply due to the nature and spirit of women, which are different from men, a series of duties and responsibilities have been removed from women's shoulders. In other words, the nature and social roles of men and women are different from each other, not their dignity and value. In addition, Isla m has allocated women to a series of privileges that men are deprived of.

islam Sources:

[1] Quran (65: 6) ...فَإِنْ أَرْضَعْنَ لَكُمْ فَـَٔاتُوهُنَّ أُجُورَهُنَّ ...

[2] yun.ir/y6w0u5

[3] First Shahid, v.1, P. 174... وَ لَا يَجُوزُ الْعَزْلُ عَنِ الْحُرَّةِ بِغَيْرِ شَرْطٍ

[4] Nahj Al-Balaghah, Hekamh No: 136 وَجِهَادُ الْمَرْأَةِ حُسْنُ التَّبَعُّلِ...

[5] Man La Yahzor, v.4, P. 364 يَا عَلِيُّ لَيْسَ عَلَى النِّسَاءِ جُمُعَةٌ وَ لَا جَمَاعَةٌ و...َ

[6] Mustadrak Al-Wasayel, Noori, V.13, P. 46 فلا يعلم ما داخلني من السرور إلّا الله ، بكفائي رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وآله تحمل رقاب الرجال


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