28 safar

Imam Hasan (AS): There was not a nation who consulted (amongst themselves), but was directed to a path of guidance

15:34 - 2016/11/26

Bihar al anwar , vol: 75 , p:105     ما تَشاوَرَ قَومٌ إِلاّ هُدوا إِلى رُشدِهِم


Imam Hasan(AS): Teach the people of your knowledge, and learn from their knowledge. Hence you would have become adept and learnt that which you do not know.

21:56 - 2016/11/24
Imam Hasan (as): I wonder at a person who ponders over the things that he eats, how he does not ponder over his reasoning. He preserves his stomach from that which harms him, yet deposits in his breast that which is a cause for his destruction.

14:44 - 2016/11/15
Holy Prophet (PBH): Hassan is from me and I am from him. Allah loves the one who loves him. Hassan and Husain are the two most special grandchildren

14:14 - 2016/11/14