
Saudi collapse in the near future

16:54 - 2016/01/09


A senior Iranian commander says Saudi Arabia will collapse in the near future, unless it ends its sectarian policies in the region.

"The policies of the Saudi regime will have a domino effect and they will be buried under the avalanche they have created," said Brigadier General Hossein Salami, the second-in-command of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), on Thursday.

Only Concern...

12:40 - 2016/01/03

His only crime was criticizing publicly and enjoining good and forbidding wrong which was driven

Sheikh Nimer

Nimer 11:05 - 2015/12/22
What does Sheikh Nimr want?

What does Sheikh Nimr want?
09:22 - 2015/12/20
Who is Sheikh Nimr?

Sheikh Nimre
13:12 - 2015/11/09

Sheikh Nimr is a prominent Islamic scholar in eastern Arabia who has been sentenced to death by Saudi regime

Petition To Stop the Execution of Sheikh Nimr & Defend Human Rights

12:50 - 2015/11/09

As a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia must do better to safeguard human rights defenders, ensure fair trials and protect human rights within its own borders.

About Sheikh Nimr

15:01 - 2015/11/07

Nimr Baqr al-Nimr (Arabic: نمر باقر النمر‎) (or Nimr Baqir al-Namr, Nimr Bakir al-Nimr, Nemr Baqir al-Nemr) is an independent Shia Sheikh in al-Awamiyah, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia.