Ayatollah Sistani

The Leftover of a Dog, a Pig and a Infidels (Kafir)

The Leftover of a Dog, a Pig and a Infidels
13:45 - 2017/12/10

The leftover of a dog, a pig and a kafir, is najis and it is haraam to consume it.

Having Sexual Intercourse with Unbelievers

Having Sexual Intercourse with Unbelievers
13:44 - 2017/12/10

It is not permissible to have sexual intercourse with a woman, from amongst the unbelievers or the People of the Book, without a marriage contract.

Drinking Something Served by a Non-Muslim

Drinking _ Served_ Non-Muslim
12:10 - 2017/12/10

There is no objection to drinking served water and tea by a non Muslim If you are not confident that he had touched them with his body.

Can the Earth Purify the Tires

Can the Earth Purify the Tires
14:11 - 2017/12/03

Although the earth is one of the purifying agents, it cannot purify the tires.

Buying and Selling Lottery Tickets

Buying and selling lottery tickets
21:38 - 2017/11/18

It is not permissible to buy and play lottery tickets and other such games of chance.

The Rules of non-Muslims in the Islamic Sharia

The Rules of non-Muslims in Islamic Sharia
11:04 - 2016/04/18

It is going to express The Rules of non-Muslims in Islamic Sharia. 

Is it permissible to eat from non-Mulims?

Is it permissible permissible to eat from non-Mulims?
10:36 - 2016/04/18

Is it permissible permissible to eat from non-Mulims? this articl is going to answer to this question.

Rules on How to Interact with Non-Muslims

Rules on How to Interact with Non-Muslims
10:26 - 2016/04/18

It is going to explain the Islamic rules on How to Interact with Non-Muslims.

People of the book (Ahl-e Kitab) in the Islamic Sharia

People of the book (Ahl-e Kitab) in Islamic Sharia
09:53 - 2016/04/18

It is going to explain the Islamic ruling regarding the people of the book according to Ayatollah Sistani.

The Rules of non-Muslims in Islam (2)

The Rules of non-Muslims in Islam (2)
09:34 - 2016/04/18

It is a summary of the Islamic rules regarding non- Muslims according to the tow grand Ayatollah Sistani.

Rules of non-Muslims According to the Islamic Sharia

Rules of non-Muslims According to the Islamic Sharia
11:12 - 2015/11/15

It is a summary of the Islamic rules regarding non- Muslims according to the tow grand Ayatollah Khamenei and Ayatollah Sistani.