
The Auspicious Birth Anniversary of Jesus Christ (PBUH)

The Auspicious Birth Anniversary of Jesus Christ (PBUH)
20:37 - 2017/12/31

It was the divine mission of Jesus Christ to invite mankind to the path of God, which is the path to mankind’s prosperity and happiness. But, the tyrannical and corrupt powers strained and slandered him, in order to destroy his teachings. Today, the followers of this prophet (P) must support the truth and abhor the powers that are against the truth.

Jesus Was Not God But the Word of God

Jesus Was Not God But Was the Word of God
13:57 - 2017/12/31

The Christians believe that Jesus was God, but the Qur’an rejects such perception. According to the Quranic perspective, he was the son of Mary, a messenger of God, the Word of God and His Spirit…

Prophet Jesus in the holy Quran

Prophet Jesus in the holy Quran
11:29 - 2017/12/31

Muslims think highly of prophet Jesus (pbuh) and his worthy mother, Mary. The Qur'an tells us that Jesus was born out of a miraculous birth without a father: The likeness of Jesus with Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him of dust, and then He said unto him: Be and he is!

Can Muslims Celebrate Christmas with Christians?

Can Muslims Celebrate Christmas with Christians?
11:05 - 2017/12/31

Muslims can celebrate Christmas with Christians.

How Was Jesus Born?

How Was Jesus Born?
08:38 - 2017/12/31

The following verses from the Chapter 19 (Mariam) narrate the story of the birth of Jesus Christ the prophet who was born without a father: And relate the story of Mary ...-

Merry christmas

15:34 - 2017/01/01
Mary and Jesus in Quran

Mary and Jesus in Quran
20:56 - 2015/09/23

However, verse (21:91) seems to refer to something more, since it indicates that God "made her and her son a sign" and not just the birth. It is striking that elsewhere the Quran again refers to Mary and Jesus as" a sign"