Great sin

Major sins and Minor sins

 Major sins and Minor sins
12:50 - 2016/02/17

According to the Quran and narrations, there are two types of sins, major sins and minor sins.

Major Sins

09:35 - 2015/11/18

from you your (small) sins and cause you to enter an honorable (place of) entering. (Surah 4, Verse 31 Allah says in the Qur'an: “If you avoid great sins which you are forbidden, We will expiate).
Therefore, a believer must know which sins are great, so that he/ she desists from them. In this way, Allah, in His mercy and according to His promise, will forgive all his minor sins and mistakes.


Sins of the tongue

23:29 - 2015/09/12

Summary:Thirty great sins, which originate from tongue.the importance of correction of tongue is made clearer when we know that a large part of sins as a large part of good deeds are performed by tongue.