halal food

Fighting in the Battlefield, Easier Than Earning Halal Income

Fighting in the Battlefield, Easier Than Earning Halal Income
18:30 - 2021/11/11

One day Imam Sadiq (as) gave 1000 dirham to one of his servants to do business on his behalf. Musadif, the Imam's servant, bought merchandise, went to Egypt, and after selling his goods came back to the Imam (as) with 2000 dirham.

Halal Food

Halal Ruzi 12:29 - 2020/04/05

قال رسول الله صلی الله علیه و آله:مَنْ أَكَلَ الْحَلَالَ أَرْبَعِينَ يَوْماً نَوَّرَ اللّ

What Does Halal Mean?

12:31 - 2017/12/27
Islamic rulings on eating and drinking in Non-Muslim countries [Part 2] (Meat)

13:28 - 2016/03/02

When Muslims migrate to foreign countries to reside in the midst of non-Muslim communities, they are faced with problems in eating and drinking because they don’t find foods that are familiar and desirable to them, nor are their ingredients known to them...

Islamic rulings on eating & drinking in Non Muslim countries [Part 1]

12:17 - 2016/03/02

 When Muslims migrate to foreign countries to reside in the midst of non-Muslim communities, they are faced with problems in eating and drinking because they don’t find foods that are familiar and desirable to them, nor are their ingredients known to them...

Halal food

08:39 - 2015/08/27