hidden knowledge

The Prophets' Knowledge of the Unseen

The Prophets and Their Access to the Knowledge of the Unseen
11:07 - 2017/10/22

According to the Islamic and Quranic teachings, the Prophets and infallible Imams (A) have access to the knowledge of unseen and it is possible for the Prophets and their infallible successors to acquire such a knowledge.

Do the prophets have the knowledge of unseen?

Do the prophets have the knowledge of unseen?
11:54 - 2017/03/08

 Referring to the holy Quran it becomes clear that the prophets know some of the unseen things and events; thus, no one can reject totally the possibility of such knowledge for the prophets. 

The Hidden Knowledge

The Hidden Knowledge 12:02 - 2016/04/11

 قال الباقر علیه السلام

Attributes of Allah and Hidden Knowledge

Attributes of Allah and Hidden Knowledge
13:39 - 2016/04/10

Hidden knowledge as a Quranic term is only for Allah but there is a kind of knowledge which Allah shares with particular groups.