Imam Ali


08:33 - 2015/08/23
Imam Ali's enemy

08:27 - 2015/08/23
Free noble men

08:19 - 2015/08/23
Long way

07:49 - 2015/08/23

10:55 - 2015/08/22

10:38 - 2015/08/22
Good public relations

09:53 - 2015/08/22
Control your tongue

09:41 - 2015/08/22

justice 10:33 - 2015/08/18

Justice puts things in their places, and is a general policy [to regulate affairs]

Know more about Imam Ali's virtues in Sunni references

Imam Ali's virtues in Sunni references
12:48 - 2015/08/17

To My Brother

Imam Ali’s words about government's justice

Imam Ali’s words about government's justice
23:14 - 2015/08/15

Imam Ali says, “if people had not come to me and supporters had not exhausted the argument and if there had been no pledge of Allah with the learned to the effect that they should not remain silent in the face of the gluttony of the oppressor and the hunger of the oppressed, I would have cast the rope of the camel of Caliphate on its own hump.”

Sincerity of deeds is the key to salvation

of deeds is the key to salvation
09:19 - 2015/08/14

One of the key personality traits of Imam Ali (PBUH) is sincerity. Sincerity in essence means purity of intention against polytheism, hypocrisy, and sensual desires on the one hand and having pure love and affection on the other. Sincerity, in other words, means rejection of hypocrisy. Hence, a sincere person is one who seeks nothing but divine satisfaction and pleasure of God in his deed and creed.
