Raisi's sentence about the terrorist attack in Shiraz

Raisi's sentence about the terrorist attack in Shiraz
21:40 - 2022/10/27

Raisi's sentence about the terrorist attack in Shiraz

The Prophet According to the Quran, Hadith, and History vs the Prophet Presented by the Wahhabis

The Prophet According to the Quran, Hadith, and History vs the Prophet Presented by the Wahhabis
13:59 - 2021/08/29

It is better that ISIS and other groups who follow Wahhabi ideology not ascribe themselves to the Prophet (pbuh&hf) and remove his holy name from their flags since what they do contradicts Quran's description of the Prophet (pbuh&hf) where it says,

"And We have not sent you except as a mercy to the worlds." (21:107)

Terrorist Attack on Girls' School in Kabul, Afghanistan

Kabul Girls' School Blast 22:41 - 2021/05/25
General Soleimani In Syria

General Soleimani In Syria
11:52 - 2021/01/05
General Soleimani In Syria

General Soleimani In Syria
11:52 - 2021/01/05

Wahhabi 19:45 - 2020/06/21

Intellectual Stagnation

Enemy Of Ahlul-Bayt

Enemy 09:08 - 2020/06/18

The leaders of terrorism, arrogance and infidelity are the enemies of the

Virtues Promoted by Shiism

Shiism 20:30 - 2020/06/16

Virtues Promoted by Shiism

General Soleimani

General Soleimani
17:43 - 2020/04/18
The conduct of ISIS against the teachings of the Quran

14:09 - 2016/07/16

The ISIS claim to be the true Muslims and accuse other Muslims of polytheism while they are far away from the true Islam.

A must-read: When US, ISIS teamed up

12:09 - 2016/04/05

the US and the terrorist groups cooperate to topple Assad's regime in Syria.

ISIS uses mustard gas in attack on Syria airbase

11:08 - 2016/04/05

ISIS has reportedly used chemical weapons on Syrian airport in eastern Syria.
