Islamic History

Holy Prophet (sawa) commands in wars

09:03 - 2015/08/29
Islamic thought

11:23 - 2015/08/20
Personal life and conduct, sign of fidelity or infidelity

Personal life and conduct, sign of fidelity or infidelity
20:29 - 2015/08/12

Once, Moqaira bin Shaaba went to see Moawia. He advised him to give up some of his deeds and conduct a clean life. But Moawia told Moqaira that after death he wont be remembered. Besides such words, Moawia had some conducts in his personal life which were against Islamic teachings.

Consequence of ill-Behaviors with the Family Members

Consequence of ill-Behaviors with the Family Members
20:06 - 2015/08/11

When Saad ibn Maaz, the great companion of the Holy Prophet (S) expired, he (S) himself participated in the funeral procession and shouldered his bier quite a few times with considerable respect. Then he laid it in the grave and buried him with his own hands.

The Importance of Helping One's Wife in Domestic Works

The Importance of Helping One's Wife in Domestic Works
19:55 - 2015/08/11

One day the Holy Prophet (S) paid a visit to the house of Ali (as) and Fatimah (sa). He saw that Ali (as) is sieving the pulses and Fatimah (sa) is busy cooking. On observing this the Holy Prophet (S) remarked, “O Ali, I do not speak except what is revealed unto me. Anyone who helps his wife in her domestic affairs obtains a reward of one year of worship equal to the amount of hair on his body. This year of worship will be as if he has fasted during it's day and prayed during it's night. Allah will reward him equal to the reward of all the patient ones, Hazrat Dawood (as) and Hazrat Esa (as). (Jami us Sadaat, Vol. 2, Pg. 142).