Islamic Laws

Dog Licks Body or Clothes

Dog Licks Body or Clothes
12:58 - 2017/12/11

It is sufficient to wash it once If a dog licks your body or clothes.

The Leftover of a Dog, a Pig and a Infidels (Kafir)

The Leftover of a Dog, a Pig and a Infidels
13:45 - 2017/12/10

The leftover of a dog, a pig and a kafir, is najis and it is haraam to consume it.

Does Forsaking shar‘ī obligations make a Muslim Najis or Not

Does Forsaking shar‘ī obligations make a Muslim Najis or Not
15:05 - 2017/12/03

Forsaking shar‘ī obligations,  do not make a Muslim an apostate or najis.  His ruling is the same as that of other Muslims.

Can the Earth Purify the Tires

Can the Earth Purify the Tires
14:11 - 2017/12/03

Although the earth is one of the purifying agents, it cannot purify the tires.

Selling Meat of a Dead Animal to non-Muslims

Selling Meat of a Dead Animal to non-Muslims
12:36 - 2017/12/03

It is permisable to sell meat of a dead animal to non-Muslims if they have beneficial purposes other than food.

The Rule concerning Dhimmī

 The Rule of Dhimmi
15:26 - 2017/11/28

As long as dhimmīs obey the rules and do not do anything contrary to the treaty, their rule will be the same as that of mu‘āhids .

Are Bahā’īs Najis or Pure?

15:24 - 2017/11/28

Bahā’īs are najis and enemies of Islam, although they exhibit good morals. So we should beware of them.

Is the Buddists' Furniture Pure or Not?

Is the Buddists' Furniture Pure or Not?
15:04 - 2017/11/28

Although Buddist are impure, their furniture and articles are pure. We must purify those things, which were used by them for eating, drinking, and praying.

Is Alcohol Pure or Not?

Is Alcohol Pure or Not?
14:36 - 2017/11/28

An alcohol that is not originally liquid is considered pure. But if it is originally liquid and, according to the experts, intoxicant as well, it is najis.

Buying and Selling the American Goods

American goods
13:54 - 2017/11/28

Buying, selling and using goods imported from those non-Muslim countries who are the enemies of Islam and Muslims, based on the following conditions, is not permissible.

Are Jews, the Christians and the Zoroastrians Pure or Not?

People of the Book
13:17 - 2017/11/28

The People of the Book are pure unless they contact with an impure object.

Is it Permissible to Kill Insects?

Kill Insects
12:17 - 2017/11/23
