Islamic Laws

Adopting Children and Considering them as Our Own Children

Adopting Children
13:53 - 2018/01/24

The shar‘ī effects of being son or daughter do not apply to the adopted child. The child is not considered his son or daughter.

The Use of Perfumes which contain Alcohol

the Use of Perfumes which contain Alcohol
13:40 - 2018/01/17

There is no problem in buying, selling and using perfumes contain alcohol which you do not know whether it originally belongs to the category of a liquid intoxicant or not.

Going to a Mixed Swimming Pool

Mixed Swimming Pool
13:08 - 2018/01/16

A Muslim is not allowed to go to a mixed swimming pool under any circumstance.

Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil

Oral Enjoining theGood and Forbidding Evil
16:11 - 2017/12/30

It is a jurisprudential fatwā that the people’s duty with respect to enjoining the good and forbidding evil is limited to oral enjoining and forbidding and the other grades are the responsibility of the authorities.

Copyrights in Islam

Islamic View on Copyrights
15:25 - 2017/12/26

You are not allowed to photocopy a book or duplicate a CD with a copyright. The rights of both the author and the publisher must be respected.

What Makes Ayāt Prayer Obligatory?

What Makes Ayāt Prayer Obligatory?
11:34 - 2017/12/24

Ayāt prayer becomes obligatory due the following four things: 1. Solar Eclips; 2. Lunar Eclips; 3. Earthquake; 4. Thunder and lightning, red and black cyclone and other similar celestial phenomena, which frightens most of the people.

Working for Jews, Christians and other Non-Muslims

Working for Jews, Christians  non-Muslims
13:44 - 2017/12/19

It is permissible to work for Jews, Christians, and other non-Muslims, and taking wages from them, provided the work is not among the ḥarām works or detrimental to the general interests of Islam and Muslims.

To Drink Something Served by a Non-Muslim

Drinking Something Served by a Non-Muslim 11:25 - 2017/12/19

Question: One of our workmates is not Muslim and he serves us water and tea.

Sitting in Places that have been Usurped

Sitting in Places that have been Usurped
14:59 - 2017/12/17

It is not permissible to sit in, perform prayers in, or pass through places that have been usurped by a tyrannical regime.

Sterilizing a Woman Afraid of Pregnancy

Sterilizing a Woman Afraid of Pregnancy
12:15 - 2017/12/17

It is permissible to sterilize a woman, who is afraid of pregnancy as being dangerous to her.

Are The People of the Book pure or Not?

Are The People of the Book pure or Not? 10:28 - 2017/12/17

Question: Some mujtahids are of the opinion that the People of the Book are najis, while

Dog Drinks Water or Licks a Vessel

Dog Drinks Water or Licks a Vessel
13:45 - 2017/12/13

If a dog drinks water or any other liquid from a vessel, the vessel should be first wiped with soil and then it should be washed twice with Kurr or lesser water.
