

Jihad 08:37 - 2022/11/09

Hazrat Fatima (PBUH):

May Allah make Jihad almighty for Islam.

The True Meaning of Jihad

13:12 - 2018/02/04

The True Meaning of Jihad

What is the rule concerning initiation of jihad?

 Initiation of Jihad
20:36 - 2017/11/18

It is permissible for the qualified mujtahid ,the Leader of Muslims, to declare initiation of jihad against infidels during the occultation of the Infallible Imam (A).

Taking Possession of non-Muslim person

 Taking Possession of any Non-Muslim
15:29 - 2017/10/30

It is not permissible to take possession of any non-Muslim person if the infidels attack Islamic lands and a group of them are captured by Muslims. 

Jihad means to empower and protect Islam

Jihad means to empower and protect Islam
12:34 - 2016/03/05

It is a brief outline of the jihad according to the Quranic teachings concerning the real meaning of jihad.   

Jihad is not to weaken Islam and Muslims

Jihad is not to weaken Islam and Muslims
10:32 - 2016/03/05

It is a brief outline of the jihad according to the Quranic teachings concerning the real meaning of jihad.   

Defense vs. Total Annihilation

Defense vs. Total Annihilation
19:17 - 2016/02/11

"Much to my surprise, the Islamic scriptures in the Quran were actually far less bloody and less violent than those in the Bible," Jenkins says.

The Differences between Jihad and Terrorism

The differences between Jihad and terrorism
12:29 - 2016/02/09

It is a short outline of the main differences between the Islamic jihad and terrorism which might be mistakenly interpreted as jihad.  

Resistance against arrogant powers is an Islamic duty

Why Should Muslims Resist Against Arrogant Powers?
13:47 - 2015/11/07

This article is going to deal with the issue of oppression and Muslims’ duty and responsibility towards it. According to the holy Quran Islam is a religion of justice that encourages its followers to resist against oppressors and arrogant powers.

Mahatma Gandhi

09:59 - 2015/08/23
We are not afraid of DEATH

08:53 - 2015/08/23