
The Holy Prophet; perfect example of morality (2)

The Holy Prophet; perfect example of morality (2)
13:10 - 2023/06/22

The Holy Prophet AS had a good attitude towards infidels and criminals. In the hope that gentleness will have a constructive effect on them and will be effective in guiding and saving them, and gentleness of speech and behavior will cause them to give up their false beliefs or their unsavory actions and be reformed.

The Effects of and Solutions to Moral Crisis in Our Society

Moral Crisis
12:07 - 2021/06/21

Moral degradation has existed in all societies and has been grievously exacerbated by some people or currents throughout history. This moral crisis, which is a very severe and unfortunate situation of moral degradation, started in Europe and quickly spread throughout the continent. The effects of this crisis have even severely threatened other countries and affected the religious inclinations of many people.

The Prophet of Morality

The Prophet of Morality
08:37 - 2017/11/14

The almighty God in the Quran has praised Prophet Muhammad because of his great morality. Moreover, God considers the Prophet's leniency and tolerance as the main factor of his fascination among the people. There are many stories about the Prophet's morality in Islamic heritage. The following are some examples of these motivational stories.

Islam and Morality in the Light of the Holy Qur'an

Islam and morality in the light of the holy Qur'an
12:22 - 2017/03/06

According to the Holy Qur'an, righteousness and piety is based, on a true and sincere faith. God, the Almighty, knows all secretes including the intentions behind every action therefor a Muslim cannot live without considering God's presence and without observing the moral rules in his personal and social lives.

Nine Narrations from Ninth Imam (Al-Jawad)

Nine Narrations from Ninth Imam
17:22 - 2016/04/12

چکیده: Despite political constraints and early martyrdom, more than 220 Narrations is available from Imam Muhammad Al-Jawad in various Islamic issues. From these meaningful sentences, his intellectual and moral greatness can be realized.