
Respecting the rights of neighbors in the tradition of Ahl al-Bayt (AS)

Respecting the rights of neighbors in the tradition of Ahl al-Bayt (AS)
14:22 - 2023/10/08

-One of the important issues of lifestyle is understanding the issues related to it and its application in daily life. It is promoting a culture of empathy that can solve many problems. Observing the customs and morals of the neighborhood. . The Holy Prophet and the Ahl al-Bayt, who are divine leaders, have guidance and instructions in this field, which is mentioned here in summary.

Muslim rights over each other

One Muslim has seven rights over other Muslims
21:21 - 2015/08/12

The Imam (A.S) said, "One Muslim has seven rights over other Muslims. If one of these rights is not honored, then a person might be excluded from the roster of Allah's friends. The smallest right of a Muslim over his compatriots is that whatever one wishes for himself, he should wish the same for his brethren. Similarly whatever he dislikes to happen to him, he should want not to happen to his brothers in Islam.