Respecting the rights of neighbors in the tradition of Ahl al-Bayt (AS)

14:22 - 2023/10/08

-One of the important issues of lifestyle is understanding the issues related to it and its application in daily life. It is promoting a culture of empathy that can solve many problems. Observing the customs and morals of the neighborhood. . The Holy Prophet and the Ahl al-Bayt, who are divine leaders, have guidance and instructions in this field, which is mentioned here in summary.

Respecting the rights of neighbors in the tradition of Ahl al-Bayt (AS)

Respecting the Rights of Neighbors in the Tradition of Ahl Al-Bayt (A.S)


One of the important issues of lifestyle is understanding the issues related to it and its application in daily life. It is promoting a culture of empathy that can solve many problems. Observing the customs and morals of the neighborhood. The culture of empathy has faded due to the spread of the culture of individualism, which emphasizes only the interests of the individual in society. Individualism has caused people to become insensitive to others, especially their relatives and neighbors, not to feel their pain, and not to help them in times of need.

The religion of Islam, which came for the better management of human society and for the happiness of people in this world and the hereafter, pays special attention to this matter. The Holly Qur'an, after respecting the rights of God, has mentioned rights of humans. In the Islamic teachings, respecting the rights of neighbors after fulfilling the rights of parents and relatives has been emphasized a lot. The Holy Prophet and the Ahl al-Bayt, who are divine leaders, have guidance and instructions in this field, which is mentioned here in summary.

Neighbors definition and range:

Neighbors  are the people who gather in one place and become neighbors with each others. They can guard the human dimension and values with unity, harmony and associations. They guarantee  the emotional relationships and strength the stability of their social unit.

The Holy Prophet, said about the limits of neighborliness: " Up to forty houses in front, behind, right and left are considered neighbors”.[1]

Neighbors right:

The first right of the neighbors are that the should not be harassed by us. The Messenger of God (s.a) told Imam Ali (a.s), Salman and Abu Dhar to shout in the mosque: "He does not have faith whose neighbor is not safe from his evil." And they shouted this three times in a loud voice in the mosque.[2]

The Holy Prophet  has said:

“Whoever believes in God and the Day of Judgment should respect and honor his neighbor”.[3]

The next level is the right of the neighbor. The right of benevolence and mercifulness towards them. “It is the neighbor's right to visit him if he becomes ill, and if he dies, attend his funeral, and if he asks you for a loan, do not refuse to pay it, and if there is happiness in his life, congratulate him. It is as if you share in his sufferings and misfortunes and in his sorrows and do not raise your building beyond his hut in order not deprive him of the breeze”.[4]

The Noble Prophet Said as well: “He does not believe in me, who sleeps full while his neighbor is hungry next to him and he knows about it,”.[5]

In another hadith, it is emphasized: "When you buy a fruit, give him some as a gift, and if you don't want to do this, take that fruit home secretly and don't send your child out of the house with the fruit (while eating the fruit) so that his child be offended And don't let the smell of your food annoy him (don't be upset that he can't provide that food) unless you send him some”.[6]

At last, the Noble Prophet Said about the neighbor: “ The Gabril ordered so much about the neighbor that I thought the neighbor would inherit”.[7]

The above hadiths are examples of the rights that were mentioned here, and mentioning all the neighboring rights is not included in this brief article.


Not harming your neighbor and doing good to him means to be compassionate in creating peace and comfort for him and his family, to remove difficulties from his path as much as possible, not to be greedy for his wealth, and to have a relationship with him based on purity. And the sincerity of the ninth foundation. This moral effort and human behavior has a positive effect on our worldly life and increases life expectancy, gets rid of nervous disturbances and leads to meeting needs and participation in neighborhood development. And this kind of social harmony and joint efforts combined with emotional interactions will increase the blessings and increase the blessings, gain trust and strengthen the good confidence of the neighbors towards each other. And to know if we are doing our neighbor's right, we need to see what his view is about us. The Holy Prophet said in this regard: "If your neighbors consider you a good person, then you are a good person, if not, then you are a bad person!"



[1] Al-Kafi, V. 4, P. 755 كُلِّ أَرْبَعِينَ دَاراً مِنْ بَيْنِ يَدَيْهِ وَمِنْ خَلْفِهِ وَعَنْ يَمِينِهِ وَعَنْ شِمَالِهِ...

[2] Al-Kafi, V, 4, P 754-755 ... لاإِيمَانَ لِمَنْ لَمْ يَأْمَنْ  جَارُهُ  بَوَائِقَهُ...

[3] Nahj Al-Fasaha, V.1, P.727, H. 2774 مَنْ کانَ یُؤْمِنُ بِاللّهِ وَ الیَومِ الاخِرِ فَلْیُکْرِمُ الْجارَه

[4] Nahj Al-Fasaha, V.1, P. 445 حقّ الجار إن مرض عدته و إن مات شيعته و إن استقرضك أقرضته و إن أصابه خير هنّأته و إن أصابته مصيبة عزّيته و لا ترفع بناءك فوق بنائه فتسدّ عليه الرّيح

[5] Nahj Al-Fasaha, V.1, P.713 ما آمن بي من بات شبعان و جاره جائع إلى جنبه و هو يعلم به.

[6] Mizan Al-Hekmah, V.2, P.401 و إذا اشْتَرَيتَ فاكِهَةً فأهْدِ لَهُ ، فإنْ لَم تَفْعلْ فأدْخِلْها سِرّا ، و لا تُخْرِجْ بها وُلْدَكَ تَغيظُ بها وُلْدَهُ ، و لا تُؤْذِهِ برِيحِ قِدْرِكَ إلاّ أنْ تَغرِفَ لَهُ مِنها

[7] Nahj Al-Fasaha, V.1, P.700 ما زال جبريل يوصيني بالجار حتّى ظننت أنّه سيورثه.

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