
A Comparison Between the Advice of Imam Ali (as) and the Attitude of the Wahhabis and the Extremist Groups

A Comparison Between the Advice of Imam Ali (as) and the Attitude of the Wahhabis and the Extremist Groups
12:59 - 2021/08/08

According to this letter, even if one does not believe in the same principles as we do, we have no right to do any harm to them since they are fellow human beings like us.

Terrorist Attack on Girls' School in Kabul, Afghanistan

Kabul Girls' School Blast 22:41 - 2021/05/25
Fabricated Sect

Wahhabism 20:16 - 2020/06/21

 Fabricated Sect 





Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Regime 20:01 - 2020/06/21



Wahhabi 19:45 - 2020/06/21

Intellectual Stagnation

Virtues Promoted by Shiism

Shiism 20:30 - 2020/06/16

Virtues Promoted by Shiism


Wahhabism & Arrogance 13:19 - 2020/04/07

Wahhabism is the product of arrogance.

Ayatollah Sobhani responds to Wahhabi objections over the celebration of Prophet’s birthday

18:02 - 2016/07/14

 Ayatollah Sobhani stated that Wahhabis consider the celebration of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad as an innovation which is not mentioned in the Quran but stressed that this issue has been indeed emphasized in the Quran...

Ta’wil according to the Wahhabis

Ta’wil according to the Wahhabis
11:16 - 2016/03/14

The fact must be pointed out, nevertheless, that the Wahhabi practice of restricting their focus on the literal and exoteric meaning of the verses is extremely dangerous, and it will encounter problems on mystical and rational issues.

warning of Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi to the Wahhabi scholars and muftis

16:36 - 2015/12/08


We advise the Wahhabi scholars and muftis in Hijaz and elsewhere now to think again about what they have done for so long after witnessing these attacks which are the fruits of their Takfiri teachings. The results of their teachings have been but decapitation, atrocities, incineration, and destruction. So now we advise them to discard their deviant thoughts and to return to the mainstream Muslim community.

In defence of Baqee | Nasheed

In defence of Baqee | Nasheed
13:23 - 2015/08/11