
Criticism of Western Civilization from the perspective of Ayatollah Khamenei

11:58 - 2023/09/21


Shooting a pregnant black woman in The U.S

Shooting a pregnant black woman in The U.S
10:07 - 2023/09/12

Although the United States is the biggest claimant of human rights, from time to time we hear from the media that a black person has been racially discriminated against. Recently, a pregnant black woman was shot by the police. The reason why such things happen in this country is due to the lack of belief of the people and the government of that country, men who easily violate the law as soon as they find a way to escape it.
It is only ideology that can change people's beliefs and make them truly believe in human rights, and Islam has the best ideology in relation to human rights. Because both theoretically in the Qur'an and practically in the life of the Prophet, it considered human beings equal and prohibited any distinction and discrimination based on race, ethnicity, language, etc.