worship of God

Man's Natural Disposition Toward God

Man's Natural Disposition Toward God
10:16 - 2021/12/05

Man’s turning to God at times of distress is a clear sign of him being disposed and created on believing in God; though, when his adversity is removed he forgets everything and becomes ungrateful again.


Thought 14:58 - 2020/05/06

قال الامام الرضا علیه السلام: ليسَ العِبادَةُ كثرَةَ الصلاةِ و الصومِ ، إنّما العِبادَةُ التَّفكّ

A Month Of Servitude Training

Worship 11:22 - 2020/03/18

Sha’baan is the 2nd month of worship in command to make

Ramadan is the month of worship and knowledge

knowing Allah (SWT) is the essence of worship
15:06 - 2017/06/18

To worship Allah (SWT) is the most important purpose of the creation of the human beings. Actually, before we worship Allah (SWT) we should know him and worship strengthens our knowledge of God. The Qur'an expresses this knowledge as Iman (faith).

Why is man looking for God?

Why is man looking for God?
13:06 - 2017/01/18

Studying the Holy Qur'an, as the words of God, we understand that belief in God is engraved in man's nature, but due to being, excessively, involved in daily matters that we forget our Lord.  

Is God in need of our worship that he has commanded us to pray?

08:55 - 2016/09/29

According to many verses of the holy Qur'an we are commanded and encouraged to worship God, but one may ask the reason that a lot of emphasis is put on God's worship. Is God in need of our worship that he has commanded us to pray?