The value of women & girls in the Islamic culture

Create: 05/18/2023 - 14:43
دریافت ویدئو

  Women and girls have a special place in the culture of Ahl al-Bayt, peace be upon them, which is rooted in revelation and divine word (Qur'an). The beautiful and long expressions used for girls indicate this. In the sayings of the Holy Prophets, peace be upon them, girls are mentioned with words such as: Rehana (flower), Qwarir (crystals), and Hasna (goodness); each of which shows the special natural and spiritual characteristics of girls.

It was narrated from the Messenger of God

Be gentle with the ladies, or treat the crystals well. The Prophet used the word crystal for girls.

Imam Sadiq (the sixth Shiite imam) said:


    Daughters are virtues and sons are blessings, so good deeds are rewarded and blessings are asked. Means that: Therefore, God asks fathers for their male children on doomsday, but God is not too strict and does not ask questions for their daughters long.

The Prophet, gave good tidings to his daughter, and he looked at the faces of his companions and saw that they disliked this behavior. The Prophet said: Why are you looking at me like that? A girl is like a basil that I smell. And her sustenance is in the hands of God

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