Ahkam (Islamic Rules) for the Teenagers (Lesson 24)

15:27 - 2024/01/07

Ahkam: It is a set of rules and guidelines that a Muslim must act within. Like the branches of religion (prayer, fasting, zakat, khums, hajj, jihad, enjoining the good, forbidding the evil, Tawalli, Tabarri).

 Ahkam (Islamic Rules) for the Teenagers (Lesson 24)

Ahkam Explaination:

Khums rules:

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4 - Trophies of war

5 - A jewel that can be obtained by diving into the sea

6- Halal property mixed with Haram

7- The land that a "Zimmi" (a none-Muslim who lives in Islamic country) buys from a Muslim.

Paying khums is also obligatory like prayer and fasting, and all mature and wise people who have one of the seven things must do it. One of those things that includes most people in the society is Khums, something that comes from the annual expenses of a person and his family.

  If he does not pay khums, he can take possession of it, but he has committed a sin and the the rights of the people are on her shoulders.

* The food that he bought from the income of the year for his consumption, such as rice, oil, tea, if there is a lot at the end of the year, he must pay khums on it.

 Ahkam of Zakat:

  The properties on which payment of zakat is obligatory are wheat, barley, raisins, camels, dates, cows, sheep, gold, and silver.

* Zakat becomes obligatory if the zakat item reaches the “Nisab” limit.

* Zakat on gold and silver is obligatory if it is in the form of a coin that is widely traded. So what women use as jewelry today does not have zakat.

* Paying zakat is one of acts of worship. What is paid should be with the intention of zakat and with the intention of closeness to God.

* Zakat consumption is in eight cases, which can be used in all or some of these cases. Some of those cases are as follows:

1 - A poor debtor who cannot pay his loan.

2- Non-Muslims who, if they are given zakat, are willing to convert to Islam or help Muslims in war.

3- In the way of God, it means works that benefit all Muslims and what is beneficial for Islam, such as building roads, bridges, and mosques.


Are khums and zakat obligatory on children who have not yet reached the age of “Taklif” (obligation)?


 Zakat of property is not obligatory on a child, but if khums is attached to his property, For example, if mining or halal is mixed with haram, it is wajib on his legal guardian like father or mother to pay for it. Except for the khums of the profit obtained from trading with his property or his earnings. It is not obligatory on the guardian to pay. But as a precaution, if the profit remains, it is obligatory to pay the khums on the child himself after reaching the age of obligation.[1]


[1] This Text is provided form the Treatise and Fatwas of Ayatullah Khamenaie (May God save him):



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