The Quran and Belief in the Rotation of the Sun around the Earth – 4

14:26 - 2024/03/06

The Qur'an says in verses 38 and 40 of Surah Yasin that the sun revolves around the earth. Isn't it contrary to what has found the astronomy!?

 Quran and Science

Quran and Science

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 Accordingly, there are as many Easts and Wests as there are regions and places on  the Earth. Also, this interpretation can refer to the easts and wests of time. Because we know that the movement of the earth around the sun causes that the sun never rises and sets from the same spot two days in a row.

This difference between easts and wests, which is done with a very precise and calculated order, on the one hand causes the appearance of the four seasons of the year with all those blessings. On the other hand, it causes the adjustment of heat, cold, and humidity on the surface of the earth. It gives order to the life of humans, animals and plants. Each of these is a sign of God and a sign of His signs.

Nevertheless, even if we want to interpret the movement of the sun mentioned in the verses in question as meaning its movement around the earth, there will still be no objection to the Qur'an.  Because in that case, it means the movement of the sun according to our sense. Based on this hypothetical and apparent movement, humans perform their astronomical calculations.

It is interesting that this expression is used even after proving the rotation of the earth around the sun. For example, today they say "the transfer of the sun to Aries" (its arrival at the beginning of Farvardin[1]) or "the arrival of the sun at the meridian circle" or "the arrival of the general inclination". These expressions all show that even after Discovering the movement of the earth around the sun, the past expressions about the movement of the sun are used. Because from a sensory point of view, it seems that the sun is moving and these expressions are taken from this point. [2]


[1] The first Persian month of the year

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