The political situation of the era of Imam Kazem (A.S) - 2

12:22 - 2024/02/07

What was the political situation of the era of Imam Kazem (Peace be upon him) and how did he guide and lead the Shiites with this situation?

Imam Kazem (A.S)

The political situation of the era of Imam Kazem (A.S):

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These pressure started from the time of Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) and continued until the time of Imam Reza (peace be upon him), the period of the Mamun Caliphate. People felt a little bit of political security during Ma'mun's time, but it didn't take long for the caliphate to start misbehaving again and put pressure on the people. The political pressure of the Abbasids began in a period when Imam Baqir and Sadiq (peace be upon them) had strengthened the scientific and hadith foundation of Shia by training many students and creating a huge movement among Shia. After this period, Imam Kazem (peace be upon him) was at the center of these pressures. At the same time, their mission was to establish balance and intellectual balance among Shiites in this scientific movement. Naturally, the Abbasids could not accept an organization called Shia with the leadership of Imam. This was the most important factor that forced them to put pressure on the Imam.

Imam Kazem (peace be upon him) took the responsibility of Imamate after his father's martyrdom in 148 A.H. Mansur Abbasi died in Mecca in 158 A.H.. His successor until 169 was his son Mehdi Abbasi. After that, Hadi Abbasi became the caliph for a year. Then Harun became the caliph. The Imam was martyred in 183 A.H. and he was the leader of Imami Shiites during all these years. In fact, the era of Imam Kazem (peace be upon him) was a very difficult time for the Shiites. During this period, there were many protests by the Shiites and Alawites against the Abbasid caliphs. The most important of them was the uprising of Hussein bin Ali, the "martyr of Fakh" - in the time of Hadi Abbasi's rule - as well as the movement of "Yahya" and "Idris" sons of "Abdullah" which happened during Harun's time. In fact, the most important rival of the Abbasids were the Alawites. It was natural for the government to keep them strictly under their supervision. [1]

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