The political situation of the era of Imam Kazem (A.S) - 1

13:53 - 2024/02/06

What was the political situation of the era of Imam Kazim (Peace be upon him) and how did he guide and lead the Shiites with this situation?

 Imam Kazem (A.S)

The political situation of the era of Imam Kazem (A.S):

Short answer:

The era of Imam Kazim (Peace be upon him) coincided with the tyranny of the Abbasid rulers. They after establishing and strengthening the foundations of their rule, put their opponents under the most intense pressure. The era of Imam Kazem (Peace be upon him) was a very difficult time for the Shiites. So many movements and uprisings were started by the Shiites and Alawites against the Abbasid caliphs, all of which were suppressed. Also, the arrest, imprisonment, and torture of Imam Kazem (Peace be upon him) made him and other Imams insist on the necessity of “Taqiyyah”[1] by the Shiites. In this way they were able to preserve the Shiite organization.

Detailed answer:

The era in which Imam Kazem (peace be upon him) lived coincided with the first stage of the tyranny of the Abbasid rulers. After they took over the government in the name of Alawites, for some time they had a relatively good treatment with the people, especially with the Alawites. But as soon as they established themselves in the government and strengthened the foundations of their rule, they showed their true face. On the other hand,  the occurrence of scattered uprisings that arose in favor of the Alawites, worried them greatly. They laid the foundation for tyranny on their opponents. They put them under the most intense pressure. They even killed their closest friends like "Abdullah bin Ali". Because of his secret efforts to get the succession of "Safah". In the same way, they killed"Abu Salama" and "Abu Muslim Khorasani". Mansour, the second Caliph of Abbasids, martyred a large number of Alawites. Most of them died in his prisons.[2]

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[1] To hide the faith and believes


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