The Doubt of Contradiction in the "embryological stages" of the Quran and new science! - 3

13:15 - 2024/03/09

In new embryology, it has not been observed that the embryo passes through the stage of “Alaqah” (blood clotting). Hasn't the new science violated the truth of the Quran's scientific propositions here?! What can be meant by the stage of "Alaqah" in the Qur'an?!

Quran and Science

Quran and Science

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...And from this tiny particle, in a very short period of time, they make a human being. Whose appearance is very beautiful. Inside his existence; very delicate, complex, accurate and astonishing devices can be seen. If the stages of the fetus are photographed (as it was done) and from the front of the eye, If a person passes these pictures one after the other, a person will get a new acquaintance with the greatness of creation and the power of the creator. He will involuntarily whisper this famous poem: “The beautiful of praise is that creator”. The strange thing is that all these roles are based on water, which does not take a role! This is where you have to ask: "Who has painted pictures in the water?".

It is noteworthy that when the fertilization process was done and the embryo became its first form, it quickly divides and grows exponentially, and becomes a berry fruit whose seeds are connected, which is called " Merola ". At the same time as this development, a blood clot called the Placenta is developing next to it. The placenta is connected to the mother's heart with two arteries and one vein on one side, and on the other hand, it is connected to the fetus through the umbilical cord. The fetus is made up of all substances and feeds on the food that is in the blood of the placenta.

Little by little, as a result of nutrition and development the cells turning outside, the "merula" becomes empty, which is called "blastula". It becomes indented. As a result, the fetus is divided into two regions; "chest" and "belly".[1] It is interesting that the word "Alaqah" which has been given different meanings, all its meanings are surprisingly compatible with what is said today about the stage after sperm coagulation. [2]

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[1] Al-Tafsir, Nomonah, Makarem Shirazi, vol. 2, p. 429.

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