Criteria for recognizing true prophets from prophethood claimants - 3

15:30 - 2024/01/01

What is the way to prove the prophethood of a prophet? What are the criteria for recognizing true prophets from false prophets?


Criteria for recognizing true prophets from prophethood claimants - 3:

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For example, we have all heard that one of the miracles of Jesus Christ was to raise the dead and heal the incurable. Do we have any scientific and rational reason that a person cannot come back to life after his body's systems have stopped working?! Do we have any scientific and rational reason that the cancer that we are unable to treat does not have a cure?! Yes; Undoubtedly, with the power he has, man is not able to revive the dead or cure some diseases in the current conditions. Even if all the doctors of the world join hands and ask for help with their experience and knowledge. But what is the obstacle that a human being with a divine power and with a special knowledge that he received from the boundless sea of God's knowledge, can return the soul to a dead body with a mysterious gesture. and heal the incurable ill?! Science says: I don't know and I don't have the ability, but it never says it's not possible and unreasonable.

The difference between a miracle and the actions of ascetic and magicians:

There are two important differences between miracles and magic when it comes to what the ascetics do:

1. No ascetic is willing to do what you suggest. Because the power of every human being is limited, and he can be skilled in one or more tasks. But beyond the habits of the prophets, there is no limit. Because they get help from the infinite power of God.

2. What one ascetic does, another ascetic does the same, that is, it is not beyond human power. Unlike a miracle, which is accompanied by a challenge and others are incapable of doing it.

Examining the content of the prophethood claimant's invitation:

As stated at the beginning, apart from miracles, there is another way to recognize the prophets, and that is to examine the content of their call, evidences and signs. In fact, we have another way to find out the authenticity of a prophet's claim, or his lies, other than the demand for "miracles", which can be another reason to reach the goal.[1]

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