Marja'iyyah and Leadership

10:55 - 2015/10/14

Q 52: When the fatwā of the leader of Muslims on social, political, and cultural issues disagrees with that of another marji‘, what is the religious obligation of Muslims? And is there a dividing line between fatwās issued by marji‘ and those issued by the jurist leader? For example, if the opinion of a marji‘ concerning music differs with that of the jurist leader, which one is valid and obligatory to follow? And, in general, what are the wilā’ī edicts regarding which opinion of the jurist leader has priority over that of a marji‘?

A: The edicts of the jurist leader must be followed with respect to the issues relating to the administration of the Islamic country and general affairs of Muslims. While, every mukallaf is obliged to follow his own marji‘ in absolutely personal issues.

Q 53: As you know, there is a discussion in the principles of Islamic jurisprudence on the subject of the mutajazzī mujtahid. Is the measure taken by Imam Khomeini’s (q.) in separating marji‘iyyah from leadership considered a step toward the recognition of mutajazzī mujtahid?

A: Separation between the leadership of the jurist leader and the office of marji‘iyyah has nothing to do with the issue of mutajazzī mujtahid.

Q 54: If the leader of Muslims declares war against the tyrant infidels or calls for jihad, whereas the marji‘ that I follow does not allow me to participate in the war, should I follow the opinion of the marji‘ or not?

A: It is obligatory to obey the edicts of the leader of Muslims with regard to public affairs of Muslim society, which includes the defense of Islam and Muslims against aggressive infidels and tyrants.

Q 55: To what extent is the edict or fatwā of the leader of Muslims applicable? And when it conflicts with the opinion of the most learned marji‘ which one is to be acted upon and given priority?

A: It is obligatory for all to obey the edict of the jurist leader and the fatwā of a marji‘ cannot make it ineffective.