Getting Wages for Obligatory Actions

11:08 - 2015/12/31

Q1104: What is the ruling on the salaries paid to the professors who teach jurisprudence and fundamentals of jurisprudence in theology colleges?

A: The obligation to teach that which is a kifā’ī obligation does not detract from the permissibility of getting paid for teaching jurisprudence and its fundamentals in a university, especially if receiving the salary is in return for reporting for work and giving lecture classes.

Q1105: What is the ruling on giving instructions in religious matters? Is it permissible for the clergy, who are engaged in this type of work, to be remunerated?

A: Although, generally speaking, giving instructions in ḥalāl/ḥarām matters is an obligation in itself and, therefore, it is not permissible to get paid for it, there is no objection to being remunerated for the preliminaries on which the very teaching of jurisprudence does not depend and they are not obligatory upon any body — like being present in a certain place.

Q1106: Is it permissible to receive a monthly salary for holding congregational prayers, guiding, and preaching in government departments?

A: There is no objection to getting reimbursed for his transport expenses, or getting paid for providing services, which are notobligatory on the mukallaf by way of Islamic law.

Q1107: Is it permissible to ask for payment for performing ghusl to a dead body?

A: Performing ghusl to the Muslim dead is an act of worship and a kifā’ī obligation. Thus, it is not permissible to receive a wage for the procedure itself, i.e., ghusl.

Q1108: Is it permissible to get paid for making marriage contracts?

A: There is no problem in that.