Magic, Conjuring, and Evocation of Spirits and Jinn

11:41 - 2015/12/31

Q1222: What is the view on teaching, learning, and watching conjuring? And what is the view on performing (to an audience) illusionary tricks which depend on quick handwork?

A: It is ḥarām to learn or teach conjuring. As for entertainment accompanied by sleight of hand and quick movement that are not considered conjuring, there is no harm in them.

Q1223: Is it permissible to learn fortune telling, geomancy (divination by means of figures or lines in the sand), astronomical almanac and similar things which tell about the unseen?

A: Nowadays, people’s knowledge of these sciences cannot be relied on — with absolute certainty — in discovering the unseen. However, there is no harm in learning sciences like jafr and raml in the proper way provided that it does not lead to vileness.

Q1224: Is it permissible to train in magic and apply it? And is it permissible to evoke the spirits of humans, angels, and jinn?

A: Magic is ḥarām, so is training in it unless it is taken up for a sensible and legitimate reason. Regarding evocation of spirits, angels, and jinn, the ruling varies in terms of cases, means, and objectives.

Q1225: What is the view on believers seeking healing with spiritual healers (those who utilize spirits for treating diseases) if the patient is sure that they do not do but good?

A: There is no harm in it in itself if the process is achieved through lawful means according to Islam.

Q1226: Is it permissible to take up divination by means of the sands and earn a living thereof?

A: Telling a lie is not permissible.