Working for Oppressive States

12:36 - 2015/12/31

Q1349: Is it permissible to work in the government sector in a non-Islamic country?

A: The permissibility thereof hinges on the job in being permissible per se.
Q1350: A person works for the traffic administration in an Arabic country. Among his responsibilities is to sign for imprisoning of those who violate traffic rules. Is such work permissible? And what is the ruling on the salary the person gets from the government for doing such a job?

A: Observing laws and regulations passed — even by a non-Islamic government — for maintaining social order is a must. There is no objection to receiving salary for ḥalāl work.
Q1351. Is it permissible for a naturalized Muslim living in the United States or Canada to join the army or to take a job with the police?  Is it permissible for such a Muslim to work in government departments, municipality, and semi-governmental institutions?

A: There is no objection to it if doing such a job does not entail any bad effect, committing a ḥarām act, or abandoning an obligation.
Q1352: Does a judge, who has been appointed by a tyrannical regime for judgment, have legitimacy? Should his judgment, therefore, be obeyed?

A: It is not permissible for any person, who is not a qualified mujtahid, to be a judge and settle disputes between people unless he has been appointed by a qualified authority who has the right to appoint him. [If not], members of the public should not have recourse to such a judge and any judgment passed by him is not binding except for the necessary cases.