
14:08 - 2016/01/02

Q1935: What is the view on life insurance policies?

A: There is no objection to them in shar‘.

Q1936: Is it permissible to use the health insurance cards for people other than the holder’s own family? And is it permissible for the cardholder to put it at the disposal of other people?

A: It is not permissible to use the health insurance cards by any person who is not covered by the insurance policy. As for others making use of it, this should call for compensation [i.e. they should pay for it].

Q1937: In accordance with the provisions of the life insurance policy, the insurer should pay the beneficiaries — determined by the insured — a sum of money at the event of his death. Should the estate of the deceased not be sufficient to pay off his debts, is it permissible for the creditors to get back their money through the compensation the insurance company would pay?

A: This is governed by the provisions of the insurance contract. If the agreement was that the company, on the death of the insured, pays the amount to his appointed beneficiary/ies, the paid amount cannot be treated as part of the deceased’s estate. It goes to the appointed beneficiary/ies.