Chapter Eight : Politics

08:21 - 2016/02/23

The Shaykh was not involved in politics; however, he was strongly opposed to the detested Pahlavi regime and the ruling statesmen. He was not only opposed to the Shah, but also disapproved Musaddeq. He praised, however, Ayatollah Kashani (ra) and said: "His inward aspect was similar to a fountainhead."
Two Political Predictions One of the Shaykh's sons said: 'On 30th of Tir, 1330 S.H. (July 21, 1951) when the Shaykh arrived in the house, he burst into tears and said':
"Hadrat-i Sayyid al- Shuhada put out this fire and prevented this affliction; many people were intended to be massacred on this day. Ayatollah Kashani will not be successful (victorious), but there will come a Sayyid who will succeed."
Later on his prediction turned out to be about Imam Khomeini (ra).
The Future of the Islamic Revolution Speaking of Imam Khomeini (ra), it is interesting to know his foresight concerning the future of the Islamic Revolution.
Mr. Ali Muhammad Bisharati— former interior minister— related that in the summer of 1358/1979, when he was in charge of the Intelligence Department of sipah-i pasdaran (Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps), he received a report on Mr. Shari'atmadari (a then dissident cleric) who had said in Mashhad: 'I will eventually declare war against Imam Khomeini (ra).'
Mr. Bisharati said: 'I went to see Imam Khomeini (ra) and among other reports I informed him of what was said about him by Mr. Shari'atmadari. The Imam (ra) listened with bowed head, and when I ended my talk, he raised his head and said:
"What are they saying? Our victory is guaranteed by Allah. We will be successful, and set up an Islamic government and hand over the banner to the rightful banner-bearer (Imam Mahdi (a))."
I asked: 'Yourself (will hand it over)?'
Imam (ra) kept silent and did not answer.'
Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar in the Purgatory World
One of the Shaykh's disciples related the following from him about the condition of Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar in the Purgatory State:
"His soul was set free on Friday, the evening of which he was being forced back to his previous station. He was crying and begging the agents (who were escorting) him not to take him back. When he saw me he said: If I knew my place would be such as this I would never even imagine of having joy and pleasure in the world!"
Praising the Tyrannical Monarch The reverend Shaykh would restrain his friends and disciples from collaborating with the ruling government (i.e., Pahlavi) particularly from praising and admiring them (the officials).
A disciple of the Shaykh quotes him as saying:
"I saw the soul of one of the pious people being tried in the Purgatory state, and all the indecent actions perpetrated by his contemporary despotic ruler were being ascribed to him. The man being tried protested:
'I have not done any of these crimes. He was replied: 'Did you not say in praise of him that he provided the country with such wonderful security?'
He answered: 'Yes.'
He was told then: 'You were satisfied with his actions; he made all these crimes to secure his kingdom'."
In Nahjul-Balagha, Imam Ali (a) is quoted as saying:
"Whoever is content with conducts of some other people, he is like the one who has collaborated with them in those actions; and whoever perpetrates a falsehood two sins are recorded for him: One for doing it, and the other for being content with it." [1]
Cooperation with the American Military Attaches One of the Shaykh's friends whose son was working with American attaches said: 'On a trip to Mashhad I was in the company of the Shaykh. Together with him we went to the Holy Shrine for a pilgrimage. He stood in a corner to recite the Ziyarat, talking to Imam al-Reza (a) thesame way as I talk to you. After finishing the Ziyarat, he made a sajdah (prostration). When he raised up his head from sajdah, he called me (near himself) and said:
"His Holiness (Imam al-Reza (a)) says: ' Prevent your son from pursuing that job, otherwise he will place a heavy burden on your back!"
'We did not know that he had made arrangements with the Americans to go to the U.S.A. About twenty five years ago, [2] one day my son came to me and said: 'I am going abroad and I have made -all the arrangements and even obtained my visa.' Whatever we did we could not avert his decision. When he finally left for the U.S.A., he wrote to us some time later that his wife was barren and that he was divorcing her. Since then we have gone through much trouble because of him.

[1] Mizan al-Hikmah, VIII, 3714: 12748.
[2] This interview took place on July I, 1996.