Her Names

11:23 - 2016/02/25

Yunus bin Zabiyan relates that Imam Ja’far as Sadiq (a.s.) said, “Fatemah (s.a.) possesses nine names in the presence of Allah (s.w.t.), Fatemah, Siddiqah (Honest), Mubarakah (The Blessed One), Taherah (Virtuous), Zakiyyah (Chaste), Raziyyah (She who is gratified), Marziyyah (She who shall be satisfied), Muhaddisah (A person other than the Prophet, with whom the Angels speak), and Zahra (the Splendid)”. He continued, “Do you know what Fatemah means”? I replied, “O my master, relate it to me”, and he replied, “The one separated from every filth”. He then continued, “If Amirul
Mo’meneen[62]  Ali (a.s.) would not have been created, there would be no match for Fatemah (s.a.)throughout this entire world from the time of Adam (a.s.) until the end of the world”.[63]
It is also related in some traditions that she was named ‘Fatemah’ because she and her adherents would be ‘separated’ from the fire of hell, and also because she was different from others due to her wisdom & excellence, and because she was immune from the menstrual blood. While it is beyond human imagination to recognize her excellence and Allah (s.w.t.) has kept her and her monotheist & believer progeny away from the fire of hell, as also her friends.
It is also related that her name Fatemah originates from the name of Allah (s.w.t.) ‘Al Fatir’ (the Originator).
While she is named ‘Taherah’ because she was purified of all filth and error and because she never witnessed the blood of menstruation & childbirth.
She was named ‘Zahra’ because the light of her beauty shone thrice for Amirul Mo’meneen Imam Ali (a.s.) daily.
Abu Hashim Ja’fari relates, that I asked Imam Hasan al Askari (a.s.) as to why was Sayyedah Fatemah (a.s.) named ‘Zahra’? Imam (a.s.) replied, “The illuminated countenance of Sayyedah Fatemah (a.s.) shone for Imam Ali (a.s.) in the morning similar to a shining sun


Commander of the faithful, a title of Imam Ali (a.s.) bestowed upon him by the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.).

[63] Shaikh
Kulaini, “Usool al Kafi”, Vol 1 : Chapter 461
of the noon, and at the time of Zuhr similar to a radiant moon, while at sunset it resembled the glowing stars”.
Shaikh Sadooq relates from Imam Ali al Reza (a.s.) that he said, “When the moon of the month of Ramazan would shine upon the sky, the light of Sayyadah Zahra (s.a.) would prevail upon the light of the moon such that it would be concealed. The moon would be visible only when Fatemah (s.a.) would not be present”.
Imam Ja’far as Sadiq (a.s.) relates that, “Fatemah (s.a.) is named Zahra because a dome of red rubies is created by Allah (s.w.t.) for her in Paradise. The height of the dome measures equalling a distance of one year and is suspended in the air by the Power of Allah (s.w.t.), without being hanged by chains from the ground of the heavens so as to take care of it, nor is it supported by pillars on the earth so as to be attached to it (it is suspendedin between the heavens & the earth). The dome contains ten thousand doors and on each door a thousand Angels stand on guard. The dwellers of Paradise will behold the dome, as you see the shining stars on the skies, and it will be said to them : This glowing (castle) belongs to Fatemah (s.a.)”.
It is related in another tradition that once Allah (s.w.t.) wished to test His Angels. He sent a black cloud towards them that turned the atmostphere dark such that they could not even see one another. They requested Allah (s.w.t.) to remove it away. Allah (s.w.t.) accepted their plea and created the light of Fatemah (s.a.) that was similar to a lamp. Allah (s.w.t.) suspended it all throughout the heavens such that the seven heavens and the sevenearth all glittered by the glow of her light. The Angels praised & glorified Allah (s.w.t.) and He said, “I swear by My Honour & Glory ! Certainly I shall gift the recompense of your praise & glorification (of Myself) until the day of Qiyamah to
the friends of Zahra (s.a.) and the friends of her father (s.a.w.s.), her husband (a.s.) & her sons (a.s.)”.
While among the other names of Sayyedah Zahra (s.a.) are, Hisaan, Hurrah, Sayyedah (Mistress), Azraa’ (Virgin), Hawraa’ (A Hourie), Maryam al Kubra (the elder Maryam) and Batool (one who never witnesses the blood of menstruation). It is related that she is named ‘Batool’ because she never witnessed the blood of menstruation, similarly Maryam (a.s.), the mother of Prophet Isa (a.s.), was named ‘Batool’.[64]
Some even relate that her name ‘Batool’ is derived from ‘Batal’ (to remain detached), it means that she remained aloof from the (pleasures of the) world and neared Allah (s.w.t.). While others say that she was named so because she was unparalleled & unique.

Ibn Shahr Ashob relates in his Manaqib that it is related through trustworthy authorities that Sayyedah Fatemah (s.a.) had twenty names while each of her names portrayed each of her excellences. While these names have been quoted by Ibn Babawayh in his book Maulid Fatemah (s.a.).


[64] Umar
bin Ali relates from Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.) that he said that one day the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) was asked, "What is the meaning of Batool, as we have heard you say Maryam al Batool and Fatemah al Batool". He (s.a.w.s.) replied, "Batool is referred to a woman who never sees red (menstrual blood), i.e. she never menstruates, because menstruation is resentful if it occurs in a Prophet's daughter". (Shaikh Sadooq, “Ilal ash Sharaye”).


Her Kuniyah have been stated as Ummul Hasan, Ummul Husain, Ummul Muhsin, Ummul Aimmah, Umm Abiha and Ummul Mu’meneen. While these Kuniyah have been quoted in the salutations addressed to her.
It is also quoted in Manaqib that in the heavens she is known by the name of Nooriyyah (the Glowing one), Samawiyyah (Heavenly) and Haniyah (Compassionate). She is named ‘Haniyah’ because she was kind and affectionate towards her husband & sons.