Chapter 4 Circumstances relating to the birth of Sayyedah Fatemah al Zahra (s.a.)

11:10 - 2016/02/25


Fatemah al Zahra (s.a.) was born in Makkah on the twentieth day of the month of Jamadi’ us Sani in the fifth year of ‘The Declaration of Prophethood’ when Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) had completed 45 years of his age as narrated by Imam Ja’far as Sadiq (a.s.) and Imam Muhammad al Baqir (a.s.). Sayyedah Khadijah (a.s.) was her mother. The Prophet (s.a.w.s.), during one of his Ascensions to the heavens, consumed fruits, fresh dates and apples of paradise. Allah (s.w.t.) transformed this food into water in the loins of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.). When the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) returned back to the earth, he met Sayyedah Khadijah (a.s.), and subsequently this light of Fatemah (a.s.) entered her womb. Thus Fatemah (a.s.) is referred to as ‘The human Hourie’ in the sense that she lived on the earth like a human but was from among the Houries of paradise.
And therefore whenever the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) desired to smell the sweet fragrance of Paradise, he would go to Fatemah (s.a.) andsmell the sweet fragrance of paradise & that of the Tree of Tuba.[59]


[59]Ref. the
Qur’anic Verse : “(For) those who believe and do good a great bliss (Tuba) shall be theirs and a beautiful place of return”. (Surah al Ra’ad : 29). Sa’labi in his Tafseer relates from Imam Muhammad al Baqir (a.s.) that the Prophet(s.a.w.s.) was questioned regarding the above verse. He replied, “Tuba is the name of a tree in Paradise whose roots shall be in my house and branches in the houses of other believers”. The narrator asked, “O Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) ! We had put forward the same question to you before and you replied that it is the name of a tree in Paradise whose roots shall be in the house of Ali (a.s.) and branches in the houses of other believers”. The Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied, “Verily my house and that of Ali (a.s.) shall be one and the same in Paradise”. (Sayyed Hashim Husaini Bahrani, “Ghayatul Maraam”).

The Prophet (s.a.w.s.) would often kiss his daughter, and this was disliked by some of his wives due to their ignorance of the esteemed position of Sayyedah Zahra (a.s.).
It is possible that a question may arise in the minds regarding the veracity of the above report, the Ascention (Me’raj) of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) occurred six months before the Hijrah (Migrationof the Prophet from Makkah to Madinah), while according to some it occurred in the second year of the ‘Declaration of Prophethood’ (Be’sat), while Sayyedah Zahra (s.a.) was born in the fifth year ofthe ‘Declaration of Prophethood’, then how could the above report be true ? It should be noted that the Ascention (Me’raj) of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) was not limited to once so that this incident may be doubtful. Rather it is related from Imam Ja’far al Sadiq (a.s.) that the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.)’s Ascention tookplace one hundred and twenty times, and each time Allah (s.w.t.) recommended to the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) regarding the ‘Wilayah’ and ‘Imamah’ of Ali (a.s.) and the Aimmah (a.s.) after him, more than the Religious Precepts & Obligations.
29). Sa’labi in his Tafseer relates from Imam Muhammad al Baqir (a.s.) that the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) was questionedregarding the above verse. He replied, “Tuba is the name of a tree in Paradise whose roots shall be in my house and branches in the houses of other believers”. The narrator asked, “O Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) ! We had put forward the same question to you before and you replied that it is the name of a tree in Paradise whose roots shall be in the house of Ali (a.s.) and branches in the houses of other believers”. The Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied, “Verily my house and that of Ali (a.s.) shall be one and the same in Paradise”. (Sayyed Hashim Husaini Bahrani, “Ghayatul Maraam”).
Allamah Majlisi states in his Bihar al Anwar, that one day the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) was seated at a place named ‘Abtah’ (between Makkah & Mina). He was accompanied by Imam Ali (a.s.), Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib, Ammar bin Yasir, Manzar bin Zahzaah, Abu Bakr & Umar. Suddenly Jibra’eel appeared in his own form, that was quite huge, and his wings had engulfed the east & west, and said, “O Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) ! Allah Almighty (s.w.t.) sends you greetings andcommands you to distant yourself away from Khadijah (a.s.) for forty days”. This order was very hard upon the Prophet (s.a.w.s.), for he held Khadijah (a.s.) dear and was attached to her. Therefore (because Allah’s order was dearer to him than anything else) the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) remained away from her for forty days and spent his days fasting and nights in worship until the last days arrived. He sent Ammar bin Yasir to Sayyedah Khadijah (a.s.) with the message that, “O Khadijah ! Do not presume that I have distanced myself from you due to lack of love or due to heedlessness. But (be informed that) my Lord has commanded me to do that so He may execute His Decree. Then do not imagine anything else except fairness and felicity. Allah, the Exalted, daily praises you abundanlty in the presence of His Esteemed Angels due to this. Then when it darkens, close your door and rest on the bed, and behold that I have taken abode in the house of Fatemah bint Asad (a.s.)”.
Sayyedah Khadijah (a.s.) was deeply grieved due to the separation of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) until forty days passed. Jibra’eel descended to the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and said, “Allah (s.w.t.) sends greetings to you and says that prepare yourself for the recompense and gift”. The Prophet (s.a.w.s.) asked, “And what is the gift from Allah (s.w.t.)”? Jibra’eel displayed ignorance, when suddenly Mikaeel descended with a tray covered with a cloth of fine silk or woven with heavenly gold brocade, and placed it in front of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.).
Jibra’eel proceeded further and said, “Allah (s.w.t.) commands you to break your fast tonight with this meal”.
Imam Ali (a.s.) relates that the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) had taken abode at our house. At the time of breaking his fast, he would command me to open the doors so that anyone could come in and partake of the food with him. But that night the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) commanded me to stand at the door of the house and said, “O son of Abu Talib ! Consuming this meal is forbidden upon anyone else except me”. I sat at the door and the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) entered therein alone, and when he uncovered the tray, he saw a bunch of dates and another of grapes. He ate until he was satiated and also drank the water. Thereafter he extended his sacred hands to wash, Jibra’eel poured the water, Mikaeel washed them and Israfeel wiped his hands. Then they ascended to the heavens with the leftover of the food.
The Prophet (s.a.w.s.) stood up for (recommended) Prayers, when suddenly Jibra’eel re-appeared and said, “The Prayers are forbidden upon you at this moment, you should go and meet Khadijah (a.s.), for Allah (s.w.t.) has promised Himself that tonight He shall create a virtuous child from your loins”. Hearing this the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) proceeded to the house of Khadijah (a.s.) after forty days of separation.