9th of Rabi'!

11:00 - 2016/12/04

It is better to express virtues and values of Ahl al-Bayt instead of insulting.


Grand Ayatullah Bahjat:

In meetings on the occasion of lady Fatima (A) (9th of Rabi' al-awwal) it is better to express virtues and values of Ahl al-Bayt especially lady Fatima (A), furthermore  holding meetings of laugh without expressing their values is not good; Because some people may doubt with hearing such nonsense words. Moreover, it may result in the harassment or killing Shiites in other countries in which Shias are in the minority.  In such a situation, if a drop of blood is shed of them, then we are who is complicit in the killing.
The path that the grand Ayat Allah Borujerdi was treading in is also to state what Sunni people and we have in common and to leave cursing them. [1]

[1] Dar mahzar Bahjat, v.1, p.138.



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