Islamic unity; a threat to Zionist network

18:40 - 2016/12/22

If Muslims are united, global powers will not be able to beat the drum of their power anymore.

Muslims unity

Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution:

Dear brothers and sisters, today the world of Islam is suffering from grave maladies and the solution for those maladies is Islamic unity. What the world of Islam needs is unity, collaboration, assistance and passage through denominational and intellectual differences.

Today, the outlook of arrogance and imperialism towards the world of Islam is that they are trying to make the world of Islam drift away from its unity as much as possible. This is a threat to them. The existence of a billion and a half Muslims and the existence of all these Islamic countries with all these resources and with such extraordinary manpower is a threat to them! If they are united and if they move towards their Islamic goals with unity, then global powers will not be able to beat the drum of their power anymore. If this happens, America will not be able to impose its willpower on countries, governments and nations and the malignant and malevolent Zionist network will no longer be able to take different governments and powers in the claws of its own power and to use them in the direction of its own path and goals. If Muslims are united, this will be the case.

If Muslims are united, Palestine will not be in the situation that it is in now. [1]


[1] the speech delivered on December 17, 2016, in a meeting with government officials and the ambassadors of Islamic countries.

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