The Final Word

18:30 - 2017/08/03

Imam Rida (A), like other Imams, was fluent in all languages, due to his responsibility as an argument over all people. So we, as followers of Imam Rida (A), must try our best to deliver the teachings of Ahl al-Bayt learning different languages.

Imam Rida (A)

Imam Ali (A) said: "We have been given the final word" Do you know what is the meaning of "the final word"? Let's pay attention to the conversation held between Imam Rida (A) and Abusalt al-Herawi in which Abusalt said: O son of the Messenger of Allah, I wonder about your acquaintance with various languages! Imam Rida (A) said: O Abusalt I am Allah's argument on his creation and Allah is not to take the argument on the people while he does not know their language, didn't you hear the word of the commander of the faithful (A), "We have been given the final word", the meaning of the final word is nothing except the acquaintance with different languages! [1] Therefore, as we are the followers of Ahl al-Bayt we have to have the ability to respond all questions related to the religion in various languages.
[1] I'lam al-Wara, v.2, p.71 "يا ابن رسول اللّه إنّي لأعجب من معرفتك بهذه اللغات على اختلافها فقال: «يا أبا الصلت، أنا حجّة اللّه على خلقه، و ما كان اللّه ليتّخذ حجّة على قوم و هو لا يعرف لغاتهم، أ و ما بلغك قول أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام: اوتينا فصل الخطاب؟ فهل فصل الخطاب إلّا معرفة اللغات‏"

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