The Black Friday of 1978, a Beginning to an End

10:06 - 2021/09/07

Shouting, moaning, and crying were mixed with the sound of the shooting. The smell of blood, smoke, and gunpowder filled the air. The real number of casualties is unknown. According to Michele Foucault around 4000 people were shot that day.

The Black Friday of 1978, a Beginning to an End

September 8 1978 (Shahrivar 17 1357 in the Iranian calendar) is considered to be a beginning to the fall of the Pahlavi regime. Though protests had started long before, this tragic incident showed that no compromise was achievable between the regime and the revolutionaries. What happened on this day ruled out the possibility of a gradual and peaceful reform.

In the early hours of Friday, September 8, a curfew had been announced on the radio. Like the previous days and unaware of the curfew people took to the streets before six and after the morning prayer. The rendezvous was Jaleh Sq. (presently Martyrs Sq.) When they arrived there, they were faced with tanks, armored vehicles and army soldiers.

Notwithstanding, the people continued their protests. They did not fear the armed forces. From other streets many more people joined the protestors in the square. After warning a couple of times, the army started shooting at unarmed people. To avoid the bullets, people started running here and there to find a safe place. Some were lying on the ground not able to move because of the constant shooting.

Shouting, moaning, and crying were mixed with the sound of the shooting. The smell of blood, smoke, and gunpowder filled the air. The real number of casualties is unknown. According to Michele Foucault around 4000 people were shot that day.1

The US, which today accuses the Islamic Republic of Iran of violation of human rights, continued their support of the Pahlavi regime despite this massacre. This itself is an example that the US claims of supporting human rights and being against dictators is just a play with words. The US seeks its interests, even to the detriment of innocents or even if it entails becoming an ally of dictators against their people.

2. See also:

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