"Responding to student's suspicions of "suicide and good deeds

19:29 - 2022/06/13

suicide is a mortal sin. The person who commits suicide turns (herself /himself) away from God's mercy but God's mercy is endless. It is possible for a person who has committed suicide to be forgiven and enter heaven after purification

suicide and good deeds

"Responding to student's suspicions of "suicide and good deeds

?! Is the soul of the one who commits suicide wandering? If a pure and good person commits suicide, he will still go to hell 

First: Imagine a farmer who has worked day and night for a year to harvest his product. Now, before he can sell the product and get the money, he throws a small match at it and destroys all his one-year effort in one minute.

Is anyone willing to pay him for the ashes of that product?

With a moment of anger or discomfort, he destroys all his efforts and has nothing.

The man who has been good all his life and worshiped God is now destroying all those rewards with an evil deed.

According to the narrations, suicide is a mortal sin. The person who commits suicide turns herself away from God's mercy.

Third: We do not know about God's act in that world. God's mercy is endless. It is possible for a person who has committed suicide to be forgiven and enter heaven after purification.

Fourth: There is no evidence in the verses and hadiths that the soul of this man is wandering. What can be understood from the verses and hadiths is that every human being enters the purgatory world with his death when he dies.


If a pure and good person commits suicide, he will still go to hell

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