
Considering the fact that there is good and evil, and beauty and ugliness in the world, how can God’s kindness be proven?

Considering the fact that there is good and evil, and beauty and ugliness in the world, how can God’s kindness be proven?
10:41 - 2022/11/06

Considering the fact that there is good and evil, and beauty and ugliness in the world, how can

Anger Suppression

Anger Suppression
08:59 - 2022/09/11

Anger Suppression

Enemy's missiles

Enemy's missiles
12:35 - 2022/09/07

We have to worry about our daughters and sons. they are not immune from error and sin. Some people say that we are sure of our son and daughter. Are they higher than prophet Yusuf?

Has God made a differences between men and women?

Has God made a differences between men and women?
14:03 - 2022/09/03

The differences between men and women are wise and according to their creation, and if these differences are not taken into account in planning, it is an injustice to men and women and will lead to an imbalance in society. While some of us insist on equal rights in a wide area of life.

Arrogance for what?!

Arrogance for what?!
10:20 - 2022/09/03

Do not turn your cheek away disdainfully from the people, and do not walk exultantly on the earth. Indeed, Allah does not like any swaggering braggart.


11:46 - 2022/08/31

Imam Ali (A.S) addresses his son Imam Hassan (A.S): "My son! Don't blame someone who is looking for his sustenance; Because the one who has nothing, his slips will be many.

False hopes

False hopes
07:55 - 2022/08/31

one of Satan's tricks is giving false hopes and promises. As God Almighty says in the Qur'an:

He makes them promises and gives them [false] hopes, yet Satan does not promise them anything but a delusion.

Noah's life

Noah's life
12:31 - 2022/08/29

The long life of Noah

Lights of the way

Lights of the way
12:23 - 2022/08/28

there is another darkness that many people are unaware of and have not lit a light for that dark house:

"The darkness of the grave" means the last place that man will own and live in.

Punishment of the grave

Punishment of the grave
09:53 - 2022/08/28

On Doomsday, strict, narrow-minded, and bad-tempered people will also suffer from strictness in the account.

The relation between sin and sustenance (2)

The relation between sin and sustenance (2)
12:28 - 2022/08/27

Now, if a person does not commit any sin and sits at home, only doing worship, will they give him sustenance without any effort? No!

 so the effort, planning, and not committing sin, these reasons should be considered together.

Fire and cotton

Fire and cotton
13:41 - 2022/08/23

men and women are like iron and magnet or fire and cotton, and therefore observing the limits of the Mahram and non-Mahram is for the benefit of both of them.
