The Abundance of rain in non-Islamic countries and drought in Muslim countries

09:55 - 2022/06/18

 Sometimes rain is not only beneficial but also harmful. For example, it rains so much that there is a flood or it destroys houses and farms. Sometimes a little rain on time is better and more useful than hundreds of rains at an inappropriate time.

The Abundance of rain in non-Islamic countries and drought in Muslim countries

The abundance of rain: 

Why is it raining so much in non-Islamic countries, but there is a drought in our Muslim country?

 First: Is heavy rain good and useful for everyone and everywhere?!

 Sometimes rain is not only beneficial but also harmful. For example, it rains so much that there is a flood or it destroys houses and farms. Sometimes a little rain on time is better and more useful than hundreds of rains at an inappropriate time.

Second: High rainfall in some areas is due to climate conditions in the region and has nothing to do with the people there. For example, a region is located next to the mountains and the sea The rainfall in that area is high because of the seawater, which is steaming, and clouds form.

Third: sometimes human intervention results in drought and decreasing water. For example, some people who are the source of water in their area, block the water with a dam or other things and do not allow water to reach the downstream areas. so the lower regions are experiencing drought. Like Helmand Lake in Sistan, where Pakistan and Afghanistan do not pay the rights of the Iranian people, the region suffers from drought. while if they give Iran's right and the lake does not dry the same lake evaporates and turns into clouds again.

Fourth: all non-Muslim countries are not atheists, infidels, and bad. Rather, there is a Muslim and a believer and a pious person among them, and God even sends rain for their sakes.

Fifth: It is narrated that God does not send down torment because of three groups: one is the infants, the other is the old believing men, and the last group is the animals. [Kafi, vol. 2, p. 276]

Assuming that the people of non-Muslim countries are sinners, their babies and animals are not guilty that God will not send rain on them

Sixth: According to verse 178 of Surah Al-Imran, God says: let the faithless not suppose that the respite that We grant them is good for their souls: We give them respite only that they may increase in sin, and there is a humiliating punishment for them. So heavy rain is not the reason for non - Muslims to believe that God loves them more than Muslims.

Seventh: Just as God tests rain for non-Muslims, He may test drought for Muslims. So, the drought and the lack of rain for non-Muslims is not a reason that God wants to torment them, it is a kind of test

Eighth: Sometimes a child does something wrong. Parents who love him give him the warning to realize he is wrong. But sometimes a child has bothered his parents so much that his parents no longer don't care about him anymore. Whatever he does they have nothing to do with him. God also loves those who make small mistakes and tries to warn them with a problem or trouble to realize their mistake. But leave some who are drowning in sin to do whatever they want. But on the Day of Judgment, they will have the most severe punishment



Why is it raining so much in non-Islamic countries, but there is a drought in our Muslim country?

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