Why Ghadir Khumm has been known as “Ghadir”?

10:33 - 2022/07/12

Some people may want to know the meaning of Ghadir and why Ghadir has been called in this name. Actually, it has a historical root. In this article, the author is going to study this issue.  

Why Ghadir Khumm has been known as “Ghadir”?

Why Ghadir Khumm has been known as “Ghadir”?[1]

What does “Ghadir” mean? Why Ghadir Khumm Eid has been called so?

The word “Ghadir” literally has several meanings; e.g., “basin”[2], “a piece of water”[3], and “a place where rainwater collects”[4].

Why Ghadir Khumm has been known as “Ghadir”?

Ghadir Khumm is in the middle of the two big cities of the Islamic world, Mecca and Medina, in a place called "Juhfah". During the time of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), the Hajj caravans left each other there and went towards their countries. There are some probabilities for reason for naming this place “Ghadir Khumm”; for instance, it has been named by this name for the weather of that area.[5]

The prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.), due to the order of God, in Ghadir Khumm, introduced Ali-ibne-Abi-Talib (P.B.U.H.) to people as Imam, his executor and successor.

For more information, you can refer to these articles, too: 

"“Iblagh” (“delivering”) verse" and "The narration in Sehah books of Sunnis".


[1]. Reference: islamquest.net

[2]. Dehkhoda dictionary, “Ghadir” word

[3]. Johari, Isma’il-ibne-Hammad, al-Ssehah (Taj-ul-Lughah wa Sehah-ul-Arabiyyah), proofreader: Attar, Ahmad Abd-ul-Ghafour, vol. 2, p. 766, Dar-ul-elm lel-Malayeen, Beirut, 1st pub., 1410 A.H.

[4]. Ibn-e-Fars, Ahmad, Mu’jamo Maqayees-ul-Llughah, proofreader: Haroun, Abd-u-Ssalam Mohammad, vol. 4, p. 413, Tablighat-e-Islami office publications, Qom, 1st pub., 1404 A.H.

[5]. Tarihi, Fakhr-u-Ddin, Majma’-ul-Bahrayn, proofreader: Hosseini, Seyed Ahmad, vol. 6, p. 59, Murtazavi bookstore, Tehran, 3rd pub., 1375 S.H.

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